Even if the greatest things happen, you will miss it. Sensation is the outermost layer of who you are. This is what Yoga always insists. This beautiful process is happening at your mealtime every day. The Yogic intention is always to receive it from the higher aspects of your life. When children want to eat and talk at the same time, the first thing we teach them is, "Shh, no talking when you are eating." Because this speech has to come out, food has to go in – how can you do both at the same time? When I have to speak, something has to come out of my mouth. And within twelve to eighteen hours, the food must be completely out of the system. You never open your legs and sit in front of food, consecrated objects and human beings who are of a certain power within themselves because that will bring a wrong kind of energy into your system. Eat with Your Hands When you do not touch the food, you do not know what it is. For that reason too, it is very important that before you go...